Victoria is yet again in another lockdown. This does not mean we can not spend this time outdoors safely and take in our vast wildlife and eco systems that surround us. Being outdoors is a really great way to disconnect from our fast pace way of living that we tend to get caught up in easily. There is a lot of great ways to enjoy bush walking or being out in nature where the whole family can enjoy it and interact in a fun and safe way.

Such as:
As a family you can count different animal species you see while walking. Night walking is a great time to see nocturnal species you usually don’t see during the day such as wombats tawny frogmouth and possums.

Take rubbish bags and wear disposable gloves while by a river or bush walking so you can collect rubbish, which helps keep our bushlands and water ways clean for everyone to enjoy

Sitting by a river, creek or stream is not only a nice spot for you or your family but a vital source for our wildlife. While around a water system take in how many species of wildlife will also come to drink and find food.

Looking for animal homes in tree’s is a great way for the whole family to get involved with nature, next time on a walk or picnic try looking for hollows or nest in trees that bird or mammals use to stay safe and warm, at the right time of day you might even see what species use them.

Taking in nature is great way for family bonding, keeping active and staying mentally positive during these restrictive times.

Thank-you for reading, stay safe.